Sunday, May 1, 2011

GNS3 connect to cisco security Device Manager

how to connect to cisco security Device Manager

1- create a loopback adapter
2- drag a cloud and router
3- configure the cloud to connect to the loopback adapter that we create

4- open a command promt and type ipconfig /all to see if the interface has an IP address if so get the ip address if the interface haven't got any IP address give it an IP address

5-connect the cloud to the router and run the router and open the router console

GOOOOOOOOOOOooood and we are at the configuration part connect the router and configure it with the following command
1- give the router a name :hostname example hostname gns3cisco
2- enter the router into a domain :ip domain-name example : ip domain-name gns3cisco3- congfige a username with a privilege 15 to access the router
username privilege 15 password or secret
example username xmt privilege 15 password cisco
4-as you know to ssh protocol is encrypted so we need to define the encryption and the key size
crypto key generate rsa and Enter then Enter the key size the default is 512 but i enter 1024

5-now we trun the ssh to the version 2 maybe some ISO or routers don't support this command
ip ssh version 2
6-enable the http and the https protocol
ip http server * up to you
ip http secure-server * you have to...

7-configure the VTY port
line vty 0 4 *check your iso you can configue up to 15 vty ports
trun on the login local database to verify the username and password
login local
transport input ssh telnet
if you don't want to allow telent don't include it in the line

now the vty port is ready we need to trun on the interface that is connect with the colud and give it an IP address
8- first check the interfaces with the command
show ip interface brief
we only have one interface
so we type
interface fastethernet 0/0
we give the interface an IP address in the same subnet of our loopback interface
ip address
example IP address
no shutdown
this comand to trun the interface up
and finally we virviy our connection with the ICMP protocol Ping
ooooooooki our connection is fine

now it's time to connect to our router using cisco security device manager
run the cisco sdm launcher enter the ip address and check this device has https enabled and i want to user it
and click launch
internet explorer or any other default browser will popup it IE and this alert popup
the this windows will show up and anther windows
check it and click yes
maybe anther windows show up and ask you for username and password enter the user name that you configure example xmt cisco

now the cisco security device manager is loading
congratulation you cisco SDM is ready to go....

Abdulrahman Obaid


  1. مشكور حبيبي ما قصرت اذا ممكن كمان تضيف طريقة تعديل المتصفح حتى نتمكن من تشغيل ال SDM

  2. تسلم يا كاهلي بس مافهمت ممكن توضح اكثر

  3. Which version of java have you used? is it possible to make SDM 2.5 to run properly with latest 1.6u26 java?
