Thursday, April 28, 2011

Virtual PC Simulator

The Virtual PC Simulator is a program that runs within Windows or Linux. It has limited functionality, but most important, it allows pings and traceroutes. These are the most common testing commands used during CCNA or CCNP training and are often the only commands needed. Using VPCS you will save memory and CPU cycles. If you do not need more functionality in a workstation within your topology, I highly recommend VPCS. The Virtual PC Simulator is a free product available at the following Web site:
now let's talk a little about VPCs and GNS3 you will find in this link all command you need to configure VPCs
but almost the only command you need is 3 commands
  • ip : to configure the ip address syntex : ip example: /24 this is IPv4 it's also support IPv6 as well
  • show : to show all information about VPCs the ip ,gateway ,subnet ,and ports
  • load and save to save and load pcs information just type load filename save filename
to navigate throw pcs just type the PC number

Abdulrahman Obaid

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